Restore and improve joint mobility, muscle strength, and functional abilities with Orthopedic Physiotherapist

Get a meaningful perspective on orthopedic physiotherapy with PT Purnima Sharma

Physical therapy is a secure and efficient approach to assisting people of all ages in reaching their physical objectives, minimizing discomfort, and enhancing their overall physical wellness. Commence your exploration of physical therapy with valuable insights and advice from experienced therapists.


Who did we Interview?

With five years of experience in the physiotherapy industry, Purnima Sharma strives to deliver the best physiotherapy treatment to her patients. As an orthopedic physiotherapist, she utilizes various techniques to alleviate pain associated with musculoskeletal conditions. Overall, she helps patients regain optimal function and independence.

Starting with the Questionnaire

Question 1: What techniques do you use to manage pain in patients with orthopedic conditions?

For mobilizing the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle, I use techniques like contrast baths. I use cold and heat treatments for stiff joints caused by orthopedic and fracture disorders. I also suggest using a traction machine for the cervical and lumbar regions, as well as a theraband and weight cuff, dumbbells, strengthening exercises for the arm & back, shoulders, and hips, and TENS & IFT modalities.

Question 2: Are you waiting for any particular webinar or conference?

Yes, I am looking forward to the conferences for spinal manipulation techniques.

Question 3: What advice would you give to ortho physiotherapists who are looking for the perfect physio practice management software?

They should strive to develop their skills in providing the best manual techniques, taping and cupping therapy to their patients in accordance with the diagnosis, clinical examination, and physiotherapy management.

Question 4: How do you manage the content for your social media?

I provide my patients with online physiotherapy consultations based on their clinical needs and therapeutic goals. To the people who view my profile, I am sharing my rehabilitation suggestions.

Question 5: How do you educate and motivate patients to continue their rehabilitation outside of therapy sessions?

I advise them to maintain a balanced diet, good nutrition, and an active lifestyle.

To Sum Up

Purnima Sharma is fully aware of the critical role orthopedic physiotherapy plays in the recovery process following surgery and injuries. She leads patients through particular activities and exercises that help them regain their strength, flexibility, and range of motion.

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